Ironman Vs. Triathlon ā€“ 7 Major Differences to Help You Decide

Ironman Vs. Triathlon

I’ve taken on both Ironman and Triathlon races and every time Iā€™m blown away by the intensity and thrill these sports bring. However, for those unfamiliar, the two might seem similar, and some might even consider them interchangeable. Well, let me tell you this is far from the truth. Although both sports involve swimming, cycling, … Read more

Do You Need a Coach to Train for Your First Ironman Triathlon – Maximizing Performance


Embarking on the journey to complete your first Ironman triathlon is both an exciting and daunting challenge. With a 2.4-mile swim, a 112-mile bike ride, and a marathon run to cap it all off, the sheer physical demands of the Ironman can be overwhelming. That’s where the question arises – do you need a coach … Read more